31 May Drink up the benefits of healthy beverages in your Portland workplace
With National Beverage Day earlier this month, it’s the ideal time to talk about healthy beverages. In fact, the non-alcoholic beverages market size was valued at $919 billion in 2019 according to Fortune Business Insights. More consumers, especially millennials are willing to try new and healthier alternatives to traditional soft drinks. In short, it’s a great time to explore healthy beverages you may want to consider next time you’re in the company break room.
Coffee is one of the most served beverages in the world. And yes, coffee can be healthy in moderation. Lower your risk of type 2 diabetes and certain neurological diseases, and protect again depression by drinking coffee. Moreover, who doesn’t love the smell of a fresh cup of coffee in the morning? Royal ReFresh offers a Portland office coffee service whether you’re looking for a traditional or single-cup service.
Green Tea
Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks you can enjoy. Of course, there are other healthy teas, but we’re going to focus on green tea. It boosts brain function and lowers the risk of heart disease. Oh yes, and it can help with weight loss. Plus, it’s the perfect drink for a needed energy boost in the afternoon. After all, you need your downtime! Get gourmet green tea with our Portland tea service.
Hands down one of the best and simplest drinks on the planet! In fact, we need it for our very survival. Drinking water is important to your overall health. It carries nutrients and oxygen to your cells, flushes bacteria, aids digestion, normalizes blood pressure, and much more. Some experts believe you should drink about four to six cups of water each day. However, keep in mind that water intake is different for each person. Therefore, you should check with a medical professional to make sure you are drinking enough water. We offer custom Portland water filtration solutions for the freshest, pure, clean drinking water for your break room.
We’ve all heard the phrase: milk does a body good! That’s because it’s true. Milk is filled with essential nutrients like calcium, protein, and potassium that benefit health. Drink milk to build strong bones, repair muscle, and boost the immune system. Visit your Portland micro-market and grab a cold bottle of milk and add it to your coffee or tea or enjoy it as is.
Blended Juice
Don’t love the idea of eating fruits and vegetables? Try drinking a blended juice for additional nutrients. Choose one that has the whole fruit and vegetable including the skin and fiber. It’ll taste like a smoothie, and you’re getting the full benefits of the fruit or vegetable. Check out our Portland office pantry and micro-market services for juice options.
For more information about our break room services, including micro-markets, office coffee services, vending, or national vending, please contact Royal ReFresh at (503) 704-9759 or info@royalvendingnw.com. We look forward to hearing from you.