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3 Ways to Improve Portland, OR Employee Hydration

Portland and Las Vegas Water Cooler Hydration | Office Pantry | Health and Wellness

3 Ways to Improve Portland, OR Employee Hydration


Keeping your Portland, OR employees properly hydrated makes them happy and healthy. In fact, hydration is an essential part of employee wellness. Dehydrated employees can experience headaches and irritability. Furthermore, dehydration will also affect their work performance.

To keep your team on track, it’s important to keep them hydrated. Here are three ways a Portland, OR water service improves employee hydration.

Canned/Bottled Water

Canned and bottled water makes it easy to stay hydrated. They can be purchased from a Portland, OR beverage vending machine. If an employee is thirsty, they can grab bottled water in the break room.

To spice things up, offer a variety of flavored waters in your break room. For example, kiwi and strawberry are refreshing flavors. Moreover, flavored water is a healthier alternative to soda!

Sparkling Water

Who doesn’t love bubbles? Sparkling water is a yummy drink that you can keep in your Portland, OR micro-market. There are also tons of different options to choose from! This ensures every employee will find a beverage they love.

To promote health and wellness, offer no-sugar drinks in your micro-market. Healthy waters that are loaded with vitamins also make a great choice. Or how about energy drinks? These can increase productivity while keeping your crew hydrated.

Are you having trouble choosing the best products for your Portland, OR break room? Royal Refresh is happy to help! We’ll help you find the best beverages for your staff.

Filtered Water

Employee Productivity | Portland, OR Water | Hydration

Do you want a greener break room? Then a filtered water service could be right for you! This bottomless option keeps your team hydrated all day long. They can simply fill up their water bottles with delicious, pure water. These Portland, OR eco-friendly products reduce waste. Additionally, there’s always enough water to go around. Best of all, filtered water will enhance your office coffee. Fresh water makes everything taste better!

Give your employees branded water bottles to encourage them to stay hydrated. Or, they can create their own customized glass or mug. This will make your team feel appreciated. As a result, employee satisfaction will skyrocket!

Keep Your Crew Hydrated with a Portland, OR Water Service

It’s astonishing that something as simple as water can greatly impact your office. Hydrated employees are more productive and always feel great. This benefits both your team and your business!

If you want to improve your crew’s hydration, contact Royal Refresh today. We’ll help you find the right products for your needs.

To get started, call us today at (503) 704-9759. We look forward to chatting with you soon!