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Portland and Las Vegas break room services

What is

Coolbreakrooms is a digital hub that offers inspiration, knowledge, guidance, and support for all your modern break room needs. You can explore a gallery of unique and creative break rooms to find inspiration for your Portland or Las Vegas office. Operators with the special title of a Coolbreakrooms Authorized Provider are experts in turning your space intoan inviting and relaxing workplace oasis.


What it takes to become
an Authorized Provider?

As an Authorized Service Provider, our team at Royal ReFresh maintains a commitment to excellence while providing the highest level industry standards. Let us transform your Portland or Las Vegas break room into the ideal office hangout.

Modern equipment

Innovative technology

Quality fresh foods, beverages, and snacks

Strict health and safety standards

Superior break room services throughout Portland and Las Vegas

Healthy alternatives

Green initiatives promoting sustainability


coolbreakroomsBenefits that will
enhance your Portland or
Las Vegas business

Benefits of a break roomBenefits of a break room
Benefits of a break roomBenefits of a break room
Benefits of a break roomBenefits of a break room
Benefits of a break roomBenefits of a break room
Benefits of a break roomBenefits of a break room
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Make your Portland or Las Vegas break room vision a reality today!

As a Coolbreakrooms Authorized Service Provider, we are committed to offering custom break room solutions that are designed to meet the needs of your Portland or Las Vegas office.

We were featured on Coolbreakrooms

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free consultation