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Bevi® Water Dispenser Promotes Health and Hydration in Portland Break Rooms

Portland Refreshment Service | Eugene Bevi® Water Dispenser | Salem Break Room

Bevi® Water Dispenser Promotes Health and Hydration in Portland Break Rooms


Workplace wellness is a big priority. About 85% of workers whose businesses are engaged in their wellness say they intend to stay at their jobs.* Additionally, healthy employees are happier and more productive. Want to help employees feel their best? A Bevi® water dispenser boosts office health and hydration.

Keep reading to learn more about this unique office water cooler.

Proper Hydration Offers Health Benefits

Hydration plays a key role in your health. Drinking water prevents headaches and boosts brain power. Thus, employees will perform better. It also lifts your mood. This can improve employee morale and satisfaction.

The Bevi water cooler lets users customize water from their smartphones. This reduces germs, further promoting office wellness.

Meet the Bevi® Portland water cooler! It offers still, sparkling, and flavored options. Users can pick from 14 different flavors, including:

Portland Beverage Vending | Eugene Micro-Markets | Salem Bevi® Water Dispenser

    • Blood Orange
    • Lemon
    • Coconut
    • Key Lime
    • Black Cherry
    • Grapefruit
    • Lime Mint
    • Peace Mango
    • And more!

The Bevi water dispenser can also offer enhancements. Get an energy boost, more vitamins, or electrolytes. Sip fresh, delicious water throughout the day. This innovative water cooler pairs perfectly with our Portland micro-market or Eugene office pantry service. Employees can get healthy food on-site. Making healthy choices with Bevi as part of your break room solutions is easy.

Say Hello to a Greener Portland Break Room

Looking for sustainable Portland break room solutions? The Bevi water dispenser makes offices greener! One water cooler can keep 30,000 plastic bottles out of landfills. That’s because employees can keep filling up reusable bottles. Bevi makes going green easy! Protect the planet while sipping on crisp, delicious water.

Green break room solutions show you care. It can also help recruit employees looking to align themselves with eco-conscious companies.

Bevi® Water Dispenser Is Perfect for Break Rooms of All Sizes

The Bevi water dispenser fits into almost any space. It’s available in floor-standing and countertop models. Add one to your break room. Or, put a Bevi in your waiting area. Guests can help themselves with flavored water. This improves their experience and elevates your brand.

Add a Bevi® Water Dispenser to Your Break Room Today!

Want to try Bevi for yourself? Royal ReFresh proudly offers this smart water cooler. Our refreshment services improve workplace wellness. They also promote sustainability.

Contact Royal ReFresh today at (503) 704-9759. Ask us about our Salem beverage vending, micro-market, and office pantry services. We hope to hear from you soon!

*Zippia. “22 Telling Employee Wellness Statistics [2023]: How Many Companies Have Wellness Programs” Nov. 14, 2022,